What is a dog bite?
Dogs often make for companionable pets by protecting and entertaining. But sometimes their animal instincts take over and they bite or attack bystanders, causing serious injury. Vicious and dangerous dogs need to be properly restrained, but even dogs without a violent history can strike a person seemingly out of the blue. Injuries from dog attacks can range from minor to catastrophic and seem to occur the most with children.
Whether you or a loved one were injured in a dog bite incident, you deserve compensation. James J. Gay Law, LLC will work with you to recover the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering, cost of medical expenses, and lost wages in a timely manner.
Illinois law assigns blame to the dog owner
Even if there was no negligence on the part of the owner to cause the dog to react in a negative way. Dogs can become aggressive with little to no provocation, and for various reasons: they may have had abusive and/or neglectful owners in the past, were trained to be aggressive, or had poor dog training. Even if the current owner is reasonably responsible in caring for their dog, a dog can still attack, even if it has been on good behavior in the past.
Illinois law assigns blame to the dog owner, even if there was no negligence on the part of the owner to cause the dog to react in a negative way. Dogs can become aggressive with little to no provocation, and for various reasons: they may have had abusive and/or neglectful owners in the past, were trained to be aggressive, or had poor dog training. Even if the current owner is reasonably responsible in caring for their dog, a dog can still attack, even if it has been on good behavior in the past.
If the victim of a dog bite or other incident can prove that the injury was caused by the dog, who the rightful owners or caretakers of the dog were at the time of the attack, that they did not provoke the dog, that they were legally allowed to be where they were when the incident happened, they may be entitled to compensation.
Some injuries that may occur to the victim of a dog bite or attack are:
- Scars
- Infections
- Broken bones
- Eye injuries
- Head injuries
- Back injuries
- Neck injuries
- Nerve damage
- Amputations
- Emotional trauma
- Wrongful death *
How we can help you with your dog bite case
If you or a loved one were bitten or attacked by a dog, get treated as soon as possible. Get the owner or caretaker’s information, document or take pictures of the surrounding area where the incident happened, and file a police report. James J. Gay Law, LLC will partner with you to fight for the compensation you deserve.
We will fight to get you compensation for such things as:
- Past and future medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Loss of limbs or limb function
- Rehabilitation expenses
- Plastic surgery expenses
- Psychological trauma
- Emotional trauma
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death *

The next step in your dog bite case with James Gay Law
Give us a call today and make an appointment. We’ll take a look at your case and discuss how we can get help you get back on your feet again with the compensation you need.
Give us a call today 312.800.1970 and make an appointment.
We’ll take a look at your case and discuss how we can get help you get back on your feet again with the compensation you need.
James J. Gay Law fights for individuals who have sustained injuries in a variety of situations. Different degrees of fault can exist and several elements are necessary to prove a case in court and be successful against the wrongdoer or negligent party in a tort action. Also, more than one person or party may be at fault, and responsibility may be apportioned among all of the wrongdoers.
In some instances, the victim may even be partly at fault for the tragedy but that does not necessarily mean the person does not have a right to bring a lawsuit. Consulting with an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer such as James J. Gay Law, LLC is important to determine whether or not a particular claim should be brought to court to achieve a fair resolution for an injured person.
Working with an experienced law firm is the only way to recover the damages you or your loved one are owed. Make an appointment with the James J. Gay Law and you’ll receive a free consultation with an experienced lawyer who can help you recover both monetary and non-economic damages.